Project: Heavenly Mountain Resort Annual Wildlife Surveys
As Senior Biologist, Mr. Alling performed annual wildlife surveys in accordance with USFS Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit approved protocols on an annual basis since 2003. Mr. Alling conducted surveys for northern goshawk and California spotted owl in suitable habitat as reviewed and approved by USFS and TRPA biologists. Northern goshawk survey efforts included both dawn acoustical surveys as well as broadcast surveys California spotted owl surveys consisted of spot calling fixed survey points in suitable habitat.
Project: South Tahoe Public Utility District Water Facilities Master Plan
Mr. Alling led the preparation of an EIR, Supplemental EIR and Addendum EIR for the Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan located in Alpine County, CA (2009-2012). The project includes capital improvements and operation plan modifications for the updated application of recycled water on District lands located on Diamond Valley Ranch. Mr. Alling assisted in delineation of Wetlands and Waters of the US within the project area in accordance with Army Corps of Engineers protocol. Baseline biological surveys were performed to assist with development of alternatives and project locations. Continued vegetation and biological surveys continue to support permitting activities.
Project: California Tahoe Conservancy South Tahoe Gateway Shared Use Trail
Mr. Alling performed baseline floristic and wildlife surveys for the South Tahoe Greenway Shared Use Trail project area. Protocol surveys for rare plant species, American marten, California spotted owl and northern goshawk were conducted as well as delineations of Wetlands and Waters of the US in accordance with Army Corps of Engineers protocol. Biological analysis to support a Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment was performed. The project was approved in 2012.
Project: Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe Atoma Area
Mr. Alling conducted biological survey work for Mt. Rose’s planned ski area expansion project in 2011 and 2012. He collected field data on plants, hydrology, and soils to determine the extent of forested and riparian habitat within the project area following standard methodologies. Mr. Alling conducted surveys for northern goshawk, California spotted owl and American marten in suitable habitat as reviewed and approved by USFS biologists. Northern goshawk survey efforts included both dawn acoustical surveys as well as broadcast surveys California spotted owl surveys consisted of spot calling fixed survey points in suitable habitat. Infrared camera stations were set up to determine the presence of American marten. An Environmental Impact Statement in accordance with NEPA is to be prepared in 2014 using this information to determine impacts to biological resources.